Photograph, Monte Carlo
Terry Wahl initiated trips offshore to Gray’s Canyon in September of 1966 and began systematic censusing in September of 1971, which continues through the present. Westport Seabirds trips have produced the longest running database of birds counted at sea in the world and have provided the foundation for several papers on seabirds of the northeast Pacific, including most recently:
Wahl, T.R. and B. Tweit. 2000. Seabird Abundances off Washington, 1972-1998. Western Birds 31: 69-88.
Our trips usually have at least two experienced and knowledgeable spotters/leaders onboard. The leaders are there to spot the birds, and to answer questions about identification issues, seabird biology, marine mammals and oceanography, so don’t be afraid to ask should a question come to mind!
Phil Anderson has been with Westport Seabirds since 1986. Phil has operated charter boats along the Washington coast for 30 years. His experience includes taking over 3,000 trips and providing service to over 40,000 people. Phil’s number one priority is your safety followed closely by getting you to where the birds are located.
Chris Anderson has been managing Westport Seabirds since 1998. In addition to being the first mate on our trips, she makes sure that your reservations are made efficiently and that you have all the information you need to make your trip a successful one. And when it comes time for a morning cookie, nothing beats her ginger snaps.
Bill has been going out of Westport since 1974, a leader since 1977, and has extensive experience with seabirds of the eastern North Pacific. He has been a North American Birds Regional Editor for the Oregon/Washington region since the early 1980s.
Bruce has been a leader with Westport Seabirds since 1991, and prior to this was a leader with Shearwater Journeys of California.
Gene Revelas has been spotting birds for Westport Seabirds since 1998. Gene started birding at age 12 in eastern Massachusetts. He is a professional oceanographer and is currently a senior scientist at a marine environmental consulting firm in Olympia, WA. His birding, academic, and career interests have provided him with at-sea birding experience on both sides of the North Atlantic, in the Gulf of Mexico, and along the Pacific coast from California to Alaska.
An ornithologist, with west coast seabird experience from pelagic trips and NOAA research vessels, has been a leader since 2000.
Bill has been with Westport Seabirds since 2002. Since his first offshore trip in 1970, he has been on numerous West Coast pelagic trips from Washington to Mexico.
Jim Danzenbaker is a lifelong sea birding enthusiast with 25 years of pelagic guiding experience along the East and West Coasts of North America in addition to other international locations. He has been a Westport Seabirds leader for two years. He has presented numerous seabird identification classes and is eager to share his knowledge of pelagic birds with anyone who will listen.
joined the Westport Seabirds team in 2015. Cara is a graduate of Seattle Audubon’s Washington Master Birder class and continues to enjoy learning about birds and sharing this knowledge with new birders. her love of the sea and discovery helped foster her special interest in pelagic birding where she considers every outing a unique opportunity that can’t be found anywhere else on earth. Participating in adding to the longest running seabird survey also helps feed her desire to give back to the birds we enjoy so much via conservation of their habitat.
All of our trips go offshore to one of three deep water canyons approximately 28-35 miles offshore. These canyons are just beyond the edge of the continental shelf and reach water depths in excess of 2,500 feet.
Birds that can be expected on most or all April – October trips: Black-footed Albatross, Northern Fulmar, Sooty Shearwater, Pink-footed Shearwater, Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel, Red-necked and Red Ph...
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